Source code for skijumpdesign.trajectories

import os

import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
if 'ONHEROKU' in os.environ:
    plt = None
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from .utils import EPS

[docs]class Trajectory(object): """Class that describes a 2D trajectory.""" def __init__(self, t, pos, vel=None, acc=None, speed=None): """Instantiates a trajectory. Parameters ========== t : array_like, shape(n,) The time values of the trajectory. pos : array_like, shape(n, 2) The x and y coordinates of the position. vel : array_like, shape(n, 2), optional The x and y components of velocity. If not provided numerical differentiation of position will be used. acc : array_like, shape(n, 2), optional The x and y components of acceleration. If not provided numerical differentiation of velocity will be used. speed : array_like, shape(n, 2), optional The magnitude of the velocity. If not provided it will be calculated from the velocity components. """ self.t = t self.pos = pos if vel is None: self.slope = np.gradient(self.pos[:, 1], self.pos[:, 0], edge_order=2) vel = np.gradient(pos, t, axis=0, edge_order=2) else: # assumes that the velocity was calculated more accurately self.slope = vel[:, 1] / (vel[:, 0] + EPS) self.vel = vel if speed is None: self.speed = np.sqrt(np.sum(self.vel**2, axis=1)) else: self.speed = speed self.angle = np.arctan(self.slope) # TODO : Would be nice to be able to pass in acc=False to skip this # gradient. if acc is None: acc = np.gradient(self.vel, t, axis=0, edge_order=2) self.acc = acc self._initialize_trajectory() def _initialize_trajectory(self): self._construct_traj() self._initialize_interpolators() def _construct_traj(self): self._traj = np.hstack((np.atleast_2d(self.t).T, # 0 self.pos, # 1, 2 self.vel, # 3, 4 self.acc, # 5, 6 np.atleast_2d(self.slope).T, # 7 np.atleast_2d(self.angle).T, # 8 np.atleast_2d(self.speed).T, # 9 )) def _initialize_interpolators(self): kwargs = {'fill_value': 'extrapolate', 'copy': False, 'assume_sorted': True, 'axis': 0} self.interp_pos_wrt_x = interp1d(self.pos[:, 0], self.pos, **kwargs) self.interp_wrt_x = interp1d(self.pos[:, 0], self._traj, **kwargs) self.interp_pos_wrt_slope = interp1d(self.slope, self.pos, **kwargs) @property def duration(self): """Returns the duration of the trajectory in seconds.""" return self.t[-1] - self.t[0]
[docs] def shift_coordinates(self, delx, dely): """Shifts the x and y coordinates by delx and dely respectively. This modifies the surface in place.""" self.pos[:, 0] += delx self.pos[:, 1] += dely self._initialize_trajectory()
[docs] def plot_time_series(self): """Plots all of the time series stored in the trajectory.""" fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 2) idxs = [1, 2, 7, 8] labels = ['Horizontal Position [m]', 'Vertical Position [m]', 'Slope [m/m]', 'Angle [rad]'] for traj, ax, lab in zip(self._traj[:, idxs].T, axes.flatten(), labels): ax.plot(self.t, traj) ax.set_ylabel(lab) axes[1, 0].set_xlabel('Time [s]') axes[1, 1].set_xlabel('Time [s]') plt.tight_layout() def make_plot(data, word, unit): fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True) axes[0].set_title('{} Plots'.format(word)) axes[0].plot(self.t, data) axes[0].set_ylabel('{} [{}]'.format(word, unit)) axes[0].legend([r'${}_x$'.format(word[0].lower()), r'${}_y$'.format(word[0].lower())]) axes[1].plot(self.t, np.sqrt(np.sum(data**2, axis=1))) axes[1].set_ylabel('Magnitude of {} [{}]'.format(word, unit)) axes[1].set_xlabel('Time [s]') make_plot(self.vel, 'Velocity', 'm/s') make_plot(self.acc, 'Acceleration', 'm/s/s') return axes
[docs] def plot(self, ax=None, **plot_kwargs): """Returns a matplotlib axes containing a plot of the trajectory position. Parameters ========== ax : Axes An existing matplotlib axes to plot to. plot_kwargs : dict Arguments to be passed to Axes.plot(). """ if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) ax.set_ylabel('Vertical Position [m]') ax.set_xlabel('Horizontal Position [m]') ax.plot(self.pos[:, 0], self.pos[:, 1], **plot_kwargs) ax.set_aspect('equal') return ax