Source code for skijumpdesign.utils

import numpy as np
import sympy as sm
from sympy.utilities.autowrap import autowrap

EPS = np.finfo(float).eps

# NOTE : These parameters are more associated with an environment, but this
# doesn't warrant making a class for them. Maybe a namedtuple would be useful
# though.
GRAV_ACC = 9.81  # m/s/s
AIR_DENSITY = 0.85  # kg/m/m/m

[docs]class InvalidJumpError(Exception): """Custom class to signal that a poor combination of parameters have been supplied to the surface building functions.""" pass
def _generate_fast_drag_func(): v, A, ro, C = sm.symbols('v, A, ro, C') drag_expr = -sm.sign(v) / 2 * ro * C * A * v**2 return autowrap(drag_expr, backend='cython', args=(ro, v, C, A)) try: compute_drag = _generate_fast_drag_func() except: compute_drag = None def _gen_fast_distance_from(): theta, x, y = sm.symbols('theta, x, y') expr = (y - sm.tan(theta) * x) * sm.cos(theta) return autowrap(expr, backend='cython', args=(theta, x, y)) try: compute_dist_from_flat = _gen_fast_distance_from() except: compute_dist_from_flat = None
[docs]def speed2vel(speed, angle): """Returns the x and y components of velocity given the magnitude and angle of the velocity vector. Parameters ========== speed : float Magnitude of the velocity vector in meters per second. angle : float Angle of velocity vector in radians. Clockwise is negative and counter clockwise is positive. Returns ======= vel_x : float X component of velocity in meters per second. vel_y : float Y component of velocity in meters per second. """ vel_x = speed * np.cos(angle) vel_y = speed * np.sin(angle) return vel_x, vel_y
[docs]def vel2speed(hor_vel, ver_vel): """Returns the magnitude and angle of the velocity vector given the horizontal and vertical components. Parameters ========== hor_vel : float X component of velocity in meters per second. ver_vel : float Y component of velocity in meters per second. Returns ======= speed : float Magnitude of the velocity vector in meters per second. angle : float Angle of velocity vector in radians. Clockwise is negative and counter clockwise is positive. """ speed = np.sqrt(hor_vel**2 + ver_vel**2) slope = ver_vel / hor_vel angle = np.arctan(slope) return speed, angle