.. _install: ============ Installation ============ conda ===== The library can be installed into the root conda environment from the `Conda Forge channel`_ at Anaconda.org:: $ conda install -c conda-forge skijumpdesign .. _Conda Forge channel: https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/ pip === The library and web application can be installed from PyPi using pip [1]_:: $ pip install skijumpdesign If you want to run the unit tests and/or build the documentation use:: $ pip install skijumpdesign[dev] setuptools ========== Download and unpack the source code to a local directory, e.g. ``/path/to/skijumpdesign``. Open a terminal. Navigate to the ``skijumpdesign`` directory:: $ cd /path/to/skijumpdesign Install with [1]_:: $ python setup.py install Development Installation ======================== Clone the repository with git:: git clone https://gitlab.com/moorepants/skijumpdesign Navigate to the cloned ``skijumpdesign`` repository:: $ cd skijumpdesign/ Setup the custom development conda environment named ``skijumpdesign`` to ensure it has all of the correct software dependencies. To create the environment type:: $ conda env create -f environment.yml To activate the environment type [2]_:: $ conda activate skijumpdesign (skijumpdesign)$ Heroku Installation =================== When installing into a Heroku instance, the application will make use of the ``requirements.txt`` file included in the source code which installs all of the dependencies needed to run the software on a live Heroku instance. .. [1] Note that you likely want to install into a user directory with pip/setuptools. See the pip and setuptools documentation on how to do this. .. [2] This environment will also show up in the Anaconda Navigator program.