Source code for skijumpdesign.surfaces

import os
import time
import logging

import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp, trapz, quad

from .utils import InvalidJumpError
from .utils import GRAV_ACC, EPS
from .utils import compute_dist_from_flat, vel2speed

if 'ONRENDER' in os.environ:
    plt = None
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

[docs] class Surface(object): """Base class for a 2D curve that represents the cross section of a surface expressed in a standard Cartesian coordinate system.""" # If a user provides x,y data to create the surface that has any x spacings # greater than this value, then the data will be interpolated before the # slope and curvature derivatives are calculated. max_x_spacing = 0.3 # meters def __init__(self, x, y): """Instantiates an arbitrary 2D surface. Parameters ========== x : array_like, shape(n,) The horizontal, x, coordinates of the slope. x[0] should be the left most horizontal position and corresponds to the start of the surface. This should be monotonically increasing and ideally have no adjacent spacings less than 0.3 meter. y : array_like, shape(n,) The vertical, y, coordinates of the slope. y[0] corresponds to the start of the surface. Warns ===== x and y values that have any x spacings larger than 0.3 meters will be resampled at x spacings of approximately 0.3 meters. """ self.x = np.asarray(x) self.y = np.asarray(y) self._initialize_surface() def _initialize_surface(self): self._check_monotonic() self._check_x_spacing() self._initialize_gradients() self._initialize_interpolators() def _check_x_spacing(self): """Resamples x and y at an approximately 0.3 linear spacing if any x spacings are too large.""" if any(np.diff(self.x) > self.max_x_spacing): msg = ('The x values have at least one spacing larger than ' '{:1.1f} meters and will be replace with a finer x spacing ' 'and the y values linearly interpolated at this new ' 'spacing.') logging.warning(msg.format(self.max_x_spacing)) # ensure spacing is less than max_x_spacing total_x = self.x[-1] - self.x[0] num = round(np.ceil(total_x / self.max_x_spacing)) + 1 x = np.linspace(self.x[0], self.x[-1], num=num) kwargs = {'fill_value': 'extrapolate'} interp_y = interp1d(self.x, self.y, **kwargs) y = interp_y(x) self.x = x self.y = y def _initialize_gradients(self): self.slope = np.gradient(self.y, self.x, edge_order=2) slope_deriv = np.gradient(self.slope, self.x, edge_order=2) self.curvature = slope_deriv / (1 + self.slope**2)**1.5 def _initialize_interpolators(self): kwargs = {'fill_value': 'extrapolate'} self.interp_y = interp1d(self.x, self.y, **kwargs) self.interp_slope = interp1d(self.x, self.slope, **kwargs) self.interp_curvature = interp1d(self.x, self.curvature, **kwargs) def _check_monotonic(self): # NOTE: eps solution only works when adding to 0. eps = np.finfo(float).eps count = 0 while any(np.diff(self.x) == 0): idx = np.array(np.where(np.diff(self.x) == 0), dtype=np.int32) self.x[idx+1] += 20*eps count += 1 if count > 10: msg = ('While loop ran for too long: epsilon error') raise InvalidJumpError(msg) if any(np.diff(self.x) < 0): msg = ('x-coordinates are not monotonically increasing.') raise InvalidJumpError(msg) @property def start(self): """Returns the x and y coordinates at the start point of the surface.""" return self.x[0], self.y[0] @property def end(self): """Returns the x and y coordinates at the end point of the surface.""" return self.x[-1], self.y[-1]
[docs] def shift_coordinates(self, delx, dely): """Shifts the x and y coordinates by delx and dely respectively. This modifies the surface in place.""" self.x += delx self.y += dely # NOTE : Only the interpolators have to be reinitialized, the gradients # don't have to be computed again. For now, this method is here for # consistency among *Surface classes. self._initialize_surface()
[docs] def distance_from(self, xp, yp): """Returns the shortest distance from point (xp, yp) to the surface. Parameters ========== xp : float The horizontal, x, coordinate of the point. yp : float The vertical, y, coordinate of the point. Returns ======= distance : float The shortest distance from the point to the surface. If the point is above the surface a positive distance is returned, else a negative distance. Note ==== This general implementation can be slow, so implement overloaded ``distance_from()`` methods in subclasses when you can. """ def distance_squared(x): return (xp - x)**2 + (yp - self.interp_y(x))**2 distances = np.sqrt((self.x - xp)**2 + (self.y - yp)**2) x = fsolve(distance_squared, self.x[np.argmin(distances)]) return np.sign(yp - self.interp_y(x)) * np.sqrt(distance_squared(x))
[docs] def length(self): """Returns the length of the surface in meters via a numerical line integral.""" def func(x): return np.sqrt(1.0 + self.interp_slope(x)**2) return quad(func, self.x[0], self.x[-1])[0]
[docs] def area_under(self, x_start=None, x_end=None, interval=0.05): """Returns the area under the curve integrating wrt to the x axis at 0.05 m intervals using the trapezoidal rule.""" if x_start is not None: if x_start < self.start[0] or x_start > self.end[0]: raise ValueError('x_start has to be between start and end.') else: x_start = self.start[0] if x_end is not None: if x_end < self.start[0] or x_end > self.end[0]: raise ValueError('x_end has to be between start and end.') else: x_end = self.end[0] x = np.linspace(x_start, x_end, num=int((x_end - x_start) / interval)) y = self.interp_y(x) return trapz(y, x)
[docs] def height_above(self, surface): """Returns an array of values giving the height each point in this surface is above the provided surface.""" return self.y - surface.interp_y(self.x)
[docs] def calculate_efh(self, takeoff_angle, takeoff_point, skier, increment=0.2): """Returns the equivalent fall height for the surface at the specified constant intervals relative to the provided takeoff point or the start of the surface. Parameters ========== takeoff_angle : float Takeoff angle in radians. takeoff_point : 2-tuple of floats x and y coordinates of the point at which the skier leaves the takeoff ramp. skier : Skier A skier instance. increment : float, optional x increment in meters between each calculated landing location. Returns ======= distance_x : ndarray, shape(n,) Horizontal x locations of the equivalent fall height measures spaced at the specified meter intervals relative to leftmost point on the surface or the takeoff point, whichever is greater. efh : ndarray, shape(n,) The equivalent fall height corresponding to each value in ``distance_x``. takeoff_speeds : ndarray, shape(n,) The takeoff speed required to land the corresponding x coordinate. """ if abs(takeoff_angle) > np.pi/2: msg = ('Takeoff angle must be between -pi/2 and pi/2.') raise InvalidJumpError(msg) if self.x[0] < takeoff_point[0] < self.x[-1]: check_takeoff = self.interp_y(takeoff_point[0]) if takeoff_point[1] - check_takeoff < 0: msg = ('Takeoff point cannot be under the surface.') raise InvalidJumpError(msg) elif self.end[0] <= takeoff_point[0]: msg = ('Takeoff point cannot be downhill from surface.') raise InvalidJumpError(msg) # NOTE : If the takeoff point is before the start of the surface and below the # height of the first surface point, the slope between the takeoff point # and the left-most surface point must be less than the takeoff angle. elif (takeoff_point[0] < self.start[0]): slope = (self.start[1] - takeoff_point[1])/(self.start[0] - takeoff_point[0]) if takeoff_angle < np.arctan(slope): msg = ('Takeoff angle does not allow impact on the surface ' 'from above.') raise InvalidJumpError(msg) isGreaterTakeoff = self.x >= takeoff_point[0] x = self.x[isGreaterTakeoff] y = self.y[isGreaterTakeoff] # NOTE : intervals are desired but the x distance is not necessarily # divisible by the increment, so we drop the remainder so it is # divisible and make the range inclusive. remainder = (x[-1] - x[0]) % increment rnge = (x[0], x[-1] - remainder) num_points = int((x[-1] - x[0] - remainder) / increment) + 1 distance_x = np.linspace(*rnge, num=num_points) slope = self.interp_slope(distance_x) slope_angle = np.arctan(slope) kwargs = {'fill_value': 'extrapolate'} interp_y_efh = interp1d(x, y, **kwargs) height_y = interp_y_efh(distance_x) # NOTE : Create a surface under the surface that the skier will impact # if they pass over the primary surface (self). catch_surf = HorizontalSurface(np.min(height_y) - 0.1, abs(distance_x[0] - distance_x[-1] + 2.0), start=distance_x[-1] - 1.0) efh = np.empty(len(distance_x)) efh[:] = np.nan takeoff_speeds = np.full(len(distance_x), np.nan) for i, (x, y, m) in enumerate(zip(distance_x, height_y, slope_angle)): takeoff_speed, impact_vel = \ skier.speed_to_land_at((x, y), takeoff_point, takeoff_angle, catch_surf) # TODO: Use fly to check that it hits the x,y impact_speed, impact_angle = vel2speed(*impact_vel) # NOTE : A nan is inserted if skier surpasses 100 miles per hour if takeoff_speed > 44: msg = ('Impact of the surface from above is only possible until' ' {:.2f} meters. Calculation aborted.') logging.warning(msg.format(x)) break efh[i] = (impact_speed ** 2 * np.sin(m - impact_angle) ** 2 / (2 * GRAV_ACC)) takeoff_speeds[i] = takeoff_speed return distance_x, efh, takeoff_speeds
[docs] def plot(self, ax=None, **plot_kwargs): """Returns a matplotlib axes containing a plot of the surface. Parameters ========== ax : Axes An existing matplotlib axes to plot to. plot_kwargs : dict Arguments to be passed to Axes.plot(). """ if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) ax.set_ylabel('Vertical Position [m]') ax.set_xlabel('Horizontal Position [m]') ax.plot(self.x, self.y, **plot_kwargs) # TODO : These two lines probably only need to be set if ax is None. ax.set_aspect('equal') ax.grid() return ax
[docs] class HorizontalSurface(Surface): def __init__(self, height, length, start=0.0, num_points=100): """Instantiates a class that represents a horizontal surface at a height above the x axis.abs Parameters ========== height : float The height of the surface above the horizontal x axis in meters. length : float The length of the surface in meters. start : float, optional The x location of the start of the left most point of the surface. num_points : integer, optional The number of (x,y) coordinates. """ x = np.linspace(start, start + length, num=num_points) y = height * np.ones_like(x) super(HorizontalSurface, self).__init__(x, y)
[docs] def distance_from(self, xp, yp): """Returns the shortest distance from point (xp, yp) to the surface. Parameters ========== xp : float The horizontal, x, coordinate of the point. yp : float The vertical, y, coordinate of the point. Returns ======= distance : float The shortest distance from the point to the surface. If the point is above the surface a positive distance is returned, else a negative distance. """ return yp - self.y[0]
[docs] class FlatSurface(Surface): """Class that represents a flat surface angled relative to the horizontal.""" def __init__(self, angle, length, init_pos=(0.0, 0.0), num_points=100): """Instantiates a flat surface that is oriented at a counterclockwise angle from the horizontal. Parameters ========== angle : float The angle of the surface in radians. Counterclockwise (about z) is positive, clockwise is negative. length : float The distance in meters along the surface from the initial position. init_pos : 2-tuple of floats, optional The x and y coordinates in meters that locate the start of the surface. num_points : integer, optional The number of points used to define the surface coordinates. """ if angle >= np.pi / 2.0 or angle <= -np.pi / 2.0: raise InvalidJumpError('Angle must be between -90 and 90 degrees') self._angle = angle x = np.linspace(init_pos[0], init_pos[0] + length * np.cos(angle), num=num_points) y = np.linspace(init_pos[1], init_pos[1] + length * np.sin(angle), num=num_points) super(FlatSurface, self).__init__(x, y) @property def angle(self): """Returns the angle wrt to horizontal in radians of the surface.""" return self._angle
[docs] def distance_from(self, xp, yp): """Returns the shortest distance from point (xp, yp) to the surface. Parameters ========== xp : float The horizontal, x, coordinate of the point. yp : float The vertical, y, coordinate of the point. Returns ======= distance : float The shortest distance from the point to the surface. If the point is above the surface a positive distance is returned, else a negative distance. """ xp = xp - self.x[0] yp = yp - self.y[0] if compute_dist_from_flat is None: m = np.tan(self.angle) d = (yp - m * xp) * np.cos(self.angle) return d else: return compute_dist_from_flat(self.angle, xp, yp)
[docs] class ClothoidCircleSurface(Surface): """Class that represents a surface made up of a circle bounded by two clothoids.""" def __init__(self, entry_angle, exit_angle, entry_speed, tolerable_acc, init_pos=(0.0, 0.0), gamma=0.99, num_points=200): """Instantiates a clothoid-circle-clothoid curve. Parameters ========== entry_angle : float The entry angle tangent to the start of the left clothoid in radians. exit_angle : float The exit angle tangent to the end of the right clothoid in radians. entry_speed : float The magnitude of the skier's velocity in meters per second as they enter the left clothiod. tolerable_acc : float The tolerable normal acceleration of the skier in G's. init_pos : 2-tuple of floats The x and y coordinates of the start of the left clothoid. gamma : float Fraction of circular section. num_points : integer, optional The number of points in each of the three sections of the curve. """ self.entry_angle = entry_angle self.exit_angle = exit_angle self.entry_speed = entry_speed self.tolerable_acc = tolerable_acc self.init_pos = init_pos self.gamma = gamma self.num_points = num_points X, Y = self._create_surface() super(ClothoidCircleSurface, self).__init__(X, Y) def _create_surface(self): # TODO : Break this function into smaller functions. lam = -self.entry_angle beta = self.exit_angle rotation_clothoid = (lam - beta) / 2 # used to rotate symmetric clothoid so that left side is at lam and # right sid is at beta # radius_min is the radius of the circular part of the transition. # Every other radius length (in the clothoid) will be longer than that, # as this will ensure the g - force felt by the skier is always less # than a desired value. This code ASSUMES that the velocity at the # minimum radius is equal to the velocity at the end of the approach. radius_min = self.entry_speed**2 / (self.tolerable_acc * GRAV_ACC) # x,y data for circle thetaCir = 0.5 * self.gamma * (lam + beta) xCirBound = radius_min * np.sin(thetaCir) xCirSt = -radius_min * np.sin(thetaCir) xCir = np.linspace(xCirSt, xCirBound, num=self.num_points) # x,y data for one clothoid A_squared = radius_min**2 * (1 - self.gamma) * (lam + beta) A = np.sqrt(A_squared) clothoid_length = A * np.sqrt((1 - self.gamma) * (lam + beta)) # generates arc length points for one clothoid s = np.linspace(clothoid_length, 0, num=self.num_points) X1 = s - (s**5) / (40*A**4) + (s**9) / (3456*A**8) Y1 = (s**3) / (6*A**2) - (s**7) / (336*A**6) + (s**11) / (42240*A**10) X2 = X1 - X1[0] Y2 = Y1 - Y1[0] theta = (lam + beta) / 2 X3 = np.cos(theta)*X2 + np.sin(theta)*Y2 Y3 = -np.sin(theta)*X2 + np.cos(theta)*Y2 X4 = X3 Y4 = Y3 X5 = -X4 + 2*X4[0] Y5 = Y4 X4 = X4 - radius_min*np.sin(thetaCir) Y4 = Y4 + radius_min*(1 - np.cos(thetaCir)) X4 = X4[::-1] Y4 = Y4[::-1] X5 = X5 + radius_min*np.sin(thetaCir) Y5 = Y5 + radius_min*(1 - np.cos(thetaCir)) # stitching together clothoid and circular data xLCir = xCir[xCir <= 0] yLCir = radius_min - np.sqrt(radius_min**2 - xLCir**2) xRCir = xCir[xCir >= 0] yRCir = radius_min - np.sqrt(radius_min**2 - xRCir**2) X4 = np.hstack((X4, xLCir[1:-1])) Y4 = np.hstack((Y4, yLCir[1:-1])) X5 = np.hstack((xRCir[0:-2], X5)) Y5 = np.hstack((yRCir[0:-2], Y5)) X6 = np.cos(rotation_clothoid)*X4 + np.sin(rotation_clothoid)*Y4 Y6 = -np.sin(rotation_clothoid)*X4 + np.cos(rotation_clothoid)*Y4 X7 = np.cos(rotation_clothoid)*X5 + np.sin(rotation_clothoid)*Y5 Y7 = -np.sin(rotation_clothoid)*X5 + np.cos(rotation_clothoid)*Y5 X = np.hstack((X6, X7)) Y = np.hstack((Y6, Y7)) # Shift the entry point of the curve to be at X=0, Y=0. X -= np.min(X) Y -= Y[np.argmin(X)] # Shift the entry point of the curve to be at the end of the flat # surface. X += self.init_pos[0] Y += self.init_pos[1] return X, Y
[docs] class TakeoffSurface(Surface): """Class that represents a surface made up of a circle bounded by two clothoids with a flat exit surface.""" def __init__(self, skier, entry_angle, exit_angle, entry_speed, time_on_ramp=0.25, gamma=0.99, init_pos=(0.0, 0.0), num_points=200): """Instantiates the takeoff curve with the flat takeoff ramp added to the terminus of the clothoid-circle-clothoid curve. Parameters ========== skier : Skier A skier instance. entry_angle : float The entry angle tangent to the start of the left clothoid in radians. exit_angle : float The exit angle tangent to the end of the right clothoid in radians. entry_speed : float The magnitude of the skier's velocity in meters per second as they enter the left clothiod. time_on_ramp : float, optional The time in seconds that the skier should be on the takeoff ramp before launch. gamma : float, optional Fraction of circular section. init_pos : 2-tuple of floats, optional The x and y coordinates of the start of the left clothoid. num_points : integer, optional The number of points in each of the three sections of the curve. """ self.skier = skier self.entry_angle = entry_angle self.exit_angle = exit_angle self.entry_speed = entry_speed self.time_on_ramp = time_on_ramp self.gamma = gamma self.init_pos = init_pos self.num_points = num_points clt_cir_clt = ClothoidCircleSurface(entry_angle, exit_angle, entry_speed, skier.tolerable_sliding_acc, init_pos=init_pos, gamma=gamma, num_points=num_points) ramp_entry_speed = skier.end_speed_on(clt_cir_clt, init_speed=self.entry_speed) ramp_len = time_on_ramp * ramp_entry_speed # meters start_x = clt_cir_clt.x[-1] start_y = clt_cir_clt.y[-1] points_per_meter = len(clt_cir_clt.x) / (start_x - clt_cir_clt.x[0]) stop_x = start_x + ramp_len * np.cos(clt_cir_clt.exit_angle) ramp_x = np.linspace(start_x, stop_x, num=int(points_per_meter * stop_x - start_x)) stop_y = start_y + ramp_len * np.sin(clt_cir_clt.exit_angle) ramp_y = np.linspace(start_y, stop_y, num=len(ramp_x)) ext_takeoff_curve_x = np.hstack((clt_cir_clt.x[:-1], ramp_x)) ext_takeoff_curve_y = np.hstack((clt_cir_clt.y[:-1], ramp_y)) super(TakeoffSurface, self).__init__(ext_takeoff_curve_x, ext_takeoff_curve_y)
[docs] class LandingTransitionSurface(Surface): """Class representing a acceleration limited exponential curve that transitions the skier from the landing surface to the parent slope.""" acc_error_tolerance = 0.001 max_iterations = 1000 delta = 0.01 # used for central difference approximation def __init__(self, parent_surface, flight_traj, fall_height, tolerable_acc, num_points=100): """Instantiates an exponentially decaying surface that connects the landing surface to the parent slope. Parameters ========== parent_surface : FlatSurface The parent slope in which the landing transition should be tangent to on exit. flight_traj : Trajectory The flight trajectory from the takeoff point to the parent slope. fall_height : float The desired equivalent fall height for the jump design in meters. tolerable_acc : float The maximum normal acceleration the skier should experience in the landing. num_points : integer The number of points in the surface. """ if fall_height <= 0.0: raise InvalidJumpError('Fall height must be greater than zero.') self.fall_height = fall_height self.parent_surface = parent_surface self.flight_traj = flight_traj self.tolerable_acc = tolerable_acc trans_x, char_dist = self.find_transition_point() x, y = self._create_trans_curve(trans_x, char_dist, num_points) super(LandingTransitionSurface, self).__init__(x, y) @property def allowable_impact_speed(self): """Returns the perpendicular speed one would reach if dropped from the provided fall height.""" return np.sqrt(2 * GRAV_ACC * self.fall_height)
[docs] def calc_trans_acc(self, x): """Returns the acceleration in G's the skier feels at the exit transition occurring if the transition starts at the provided horizontal location, x.""" # TODO : This code seems to be repeated some in the LandingSurface # creation code. # NOTE : "slope" means dy/dx here flight_y, flight_speed, flight_angle = \ self.flight_traj.interp_wrt_x(x)[[2, 9, 8]] # NOTE : Not sure if setting this to pi/2 if the flight speed is # greater than the allowable impact speed is a correct thing to do but # it prevents some arcsin RunTimeWarnings for invalid values. ratio = self.allowable_impact_speed / flight_speed if ratio > 1.0: flight_rel_landing_angle = np.pi / 2 else: flight_rel_landing_angle = np.arcsin(ratio) landing_angle = flight_angle + flight_rel_landing_angle landing_slope = np.tan(landing_angle) # y'E(x0) parent_slope = self.parent_surface.interp_slope(x) parent_rel_landing_slope = landing_slope - parent_slope parent_y = self.parent_surface.interp_y(x) height_above_parent = flight_y - parent_y # C in Mont's paper # required exponential characteristic distance, using three # characteristic distances for transition char_dist = np.abs(height_above_parent / parent_rel_landing_slope) ydoubleprime = height_above_parent / char_dist**2 curvature = np.abs(ydoubleprime / (1 + landing_slope**2)**1.5) trans_acc = (curvature * flight_speed**2 + GRAV_ACC * np.cos(landing_angle)) return np.abs(trans_acc / GRAV_ACC), char_dist
def _find_dgdx(self, x): x_plus = x + x_minus = x - acc_plus, _ = self.calc_trans_acc(x_plus) acc_minus, _ = self.calc_trans_acc(x_minus) return (acc_plus - acc_minus) / 2 /
[docs] def find_transition_point(self): """Returns the horizontal position indicating the intersection of the flight path with the beginning of the landing transition. This is the last possible transition point, that by definition minimizes the transition snow budget, that satisfies the allowable transition acceleration. Notes ===== This uses Newton's method to find an adequate point but may fail to do so with some combinations of flight trajectories, parent slope geometry, and allowable acceleration. A warning will be emitted if the maximum number of iterations is reached in this search and the curve is likely invalid. """ i = 0 g_error = np.inf x, _ = self.find_parallel_traj_point() xpara = float(x) # copy while g_error > .001: # tolerance transition_Gs, char_dist = self.calc_trans_acc(x) g_error = abs(transition_Gs - self.tolerable_acc) dx = -g_error / self._find_dgdx(x) x += dx if x >= self.flight_traj.pos[-1, 0]: msg = ('No landing transition point was found, backing up to ' 'last possible point.') x = self.flight_traj.pos[-1, 0] - 2 * if i > self.max_iterations: msg = 'Landing transition while loop ran more than {} times.' logging.warning(msg.format(self.max_iterations)) break else: i += 1 logging.debug('{} iterations in the landing transition loop.'.format(i)) x -= dx # loop stops after dx is added, so take previous msg = ("The maximum landing transition acceleration is {} G's and the " "tolerable landing transition acceleration is {} G's."), self.tolerable_acc)) if x < xpara: msg = 'Not able to find valid landing transition point.' raise InvalidJumpError(msg) return x, char_dist
[docs] def find_parallel_traj_point(self): """Returns the position of a point on the flight trajectory where its tangent is parallel to the parent slope. This is used as a starting guess for the start of the landing transition point.""" slope_angle = self.parent_surface.angle flight_traj_slope = self.flight_traj.slope # TODO : Seems like these two interpolations can be combined into a # single interpolation call by adding the y coordinate to the following # line. xpara_interpolator = interp1d(flight_traj_slope, self.flight_traj.pos[:, 0]) xpara = xpara_interpolator(np.tan(slope_angle)) ypara = self.flight_traj.interp_wrt_x(xpara)[2] return xpara, ypara
def _create_trans_curve(self, trans_x, char_dist, num_points): xTranOutEnd = trans_x + 3 * char_dist xParent = np.linspace(trans_x, xTranOutEnd, num_points) yParent0 = self.parent_surface.interp_y(trans_x) yParent = (yParent0 + (xParent - trans_x) * np.tan(self.parent_surface.angle)) xTranOut = np.linspace(trans_x, xTranOutEnd, num_points) dy = (self.flight_traj.interp_wrt_x(trans_x)[2] - self.parent_surface.interp_y(trans_x)) yTranOut = yParent + dy * np.exp(-1*(xTranOut - trans_x) / char_dist) return xTranOut, yTranOut
[docs] class LandingSurface(Surface): """Class that defines an equivalent fall height landing surface.""" def __init__(self, skier, takeoff_point, takeoff_angle, max_landing_point, fall_height, surf): """Instantiates a surface that ensures impact velocity is equivalent to that from a vertical fall. Parameters ========== skier : Skier A skier instance. takeoff_point : 2-tuple of floats The point at which the skier leaves the takeoff ramp. takeoff_angle : float The takeoff angle in radians. max_landing_point : 2-tuple of floats The maximum x position that the landing surface will attain in meters. In the standard design, this is the start of the landing transition point. fall_height : float The desired equivalent fall height in meters. This should always be greater than zero. surf : Surface A surface below the full flight trajectory, the parent slope is a good choice. It is useful if the distance_from() method runs very fast, as it is called a lot internally. """ if fall_height <= 0.0: raise InvalidJumpError('Fall height must be greater than zero.') self.skier = skier self.takeoff_point = takeoff_point self.takeoff_angle = takeoff_angle self.max_landing_point = max_landing_point self.fall_height = fall_height = surf x, y = self._create_safe_surface() super(LandingSurface, self).__init__(x, y) @property def allowable_impact_speed(self): """Returns the perpendicular speed one would reach if dropped from the provided fall height.""" # NOTE : This is used in the LandingTransitionSurface class too and is # duplicate code. May need to be a simple function. return np.sqrt(2 * GRAV_ACC * self.fall_height) def _create_safe_surface(self): """Returns the x and y coordinates of the equivalent fall height landing surface.""" def rhs(x, y): """Returns the slope of the safe surface that ensures the impact speed is equivalent to the impact speed from the equivalent fall height. dy -- = ... dx x : integrating through x instead of time y : single state variable equivalent to safe_surface.m integrates from the impact location backwards If the direction of the velocity vector is known, and the mangitude at impact is known, and the angle between v and the slope is known, then we can find out how the slope should be oriented. """ # NOTE : y is an array of length 1 y = y[0] logging.debug('x = {}, y = {}'.format(x, y)) takeoff_speed, impact_vel = self.skier.speed_to_land_at( (x, y), self.takeoff_point, self.takeoff_angle, if takeoff_speed > 0.0: impact_speed, impact_angle = vel2speed(*impact_vel) else: # else takeoff_speed == 0, what about < 0? impact_speed = self.allowable_impact_speed impact_angle = -np.pi / 2.0 speed_ratio = self.allowable_impact_speed / impact_speed logging.debug('speed ratio = {}'.format(speed_ratio)) # beta is the allowed angle between slope and path at speed vImpact if speed_ratio > 1.0: beta = np.pi / 2.0 + EPS else: beta = np.arcsin(speed_ratio) logging.debug('impact angle = {} deg'.format( np.rad2deg(impact_angle))) logging.debug('beta = {} deg'.format(np.rad2deg(beta))) safe_surface_angle = beta + impact_angle logging.debug('safe_surface_angle = {} deg'.format( np.rad2deg(safe_surface_angle))) dydx = np.tan(safe_surface_angle) logging.debug('dydx = {}'.format(dydx)) return dydx # NOTE : This is working for this range (back to 16.5), I think it is # getting hung in the find skier.speed_to_land_at(). x_eval = np.linspace(self.max_landing_point[0], self.takeoff_point[0], num=1000) logging.debug(x_eval) y0 = np.array([self.max_landing_point[1]]) logging.debug('Making sure rhs() works.') logging.debug(rhs(self.max_landing_point[0], y0))'Integrating landing surface.') start_time = time.time() sol = solve_ivp(rhs, (x_eval[0], x_eval[-1]), y0, t_eval=x_eval, max_step=1.0) msg = 'Landing surface finished in {} seconds.' - start_time)) x = sol.t[::-1] y = sol.y.squeeze()[::-1] return x, y